Beyond the buzz.


Sure agile marketing is the hot button of the moment. But what does it really mean and how does it apply to the marketing universe as we know it? We all like to think of ourselves as agile – meaning we embrace change instead of resisting it. But the agile movement goes much deeper than that. Instead of reacting to change, we build around it. That requires a whole new rulebook for marketers. The agile way means putting aside the cast-in-concrete plan and instead taking small steps and quickly learning and adapting based on results. This iterative approach requires individuals and teams to forego their “turf” in exchange for a freer, more interactive and collaborative approach to problem solving.

This one-day highly interactive workshop helps you become an agile marketing champion within your organization and positions you at the forefront of this emerging management philosophy.

The workshop is designed for:

If you manage marketing activities, you can benefit from exposure to the agile marketing approach and methods. Elements of an agile approach can be used to alter everything from planning, strategic development to scaling a campaign and using each stage to inform the next.

The curriculum includes:

  • The agile marketing approach will be examined, as well as the ways to apply its precepts in your workplace
  • How business and markets seemingly change overnight, so following outdated marketing models is becoming increasingly irrelevant
  • How static plans and big-campaign thinking undermine an organization’s ability to respond to a changing marketplace
  • How long time horizons and major capital commitments can freeze organizations
  • How it’s better to sustain a continuous pace of activity, rather than putting all eggs in one basket
  • How agile marketing keeps you customer-centric in focus
  • How to use data in place of convention in designing marketing programs
  • How the agile mindset begins to affect fundamental decision-making